Day 13 Green Lakes State Park to Lyons, NY - Tot: 558.4 mi

John and I left the campground at ~06:30. Again, we enjoyed very favorable cycling weather. The route took us through the southern section of Syracuse and then the northern edges of the Finger Lakes. We cycled along the Erie Canal at a fairly easy clip on NY Rte 31 through such towns as Camillus, Weedsport, Montezuma, Savannah, and Clyde. It was largely flat, rural landscape with mega-farm swaths of turned soil recently planted. This is not the New York landscape most people think of when thinking of the Empire State. 

It was in Clyde that we rested at a park with a statue of George Washington erected by the Sons of Italy in America. I'm not sure why they were commemorating Washington, but it was a very nice place for a rest on day that was getting hot.

John Benziger resting under a very inviting tree in Washington in Clyde, NY

After a restless night at Green Lakes State Park, due mostly to a group of campers who partied loudly until 2 am, but also in part to a faulty air mattress, Allane and Mary made a quick stop at the local Walmart for a replacement mat.  Upstate New York seems to go on forever, rolling and green and flowering.  We visited the quiet town of Lyons, spotting murals painted to commemorate historical businesses as well as to celebrate the importance of the canal.  

The Harriet Tubman quote (on this small section of a very large mural) seemed apt:
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer."

We arrived at the NorWin Campground a bit after 2pm. It is a private campground with seasonal campers piled one on top of the other across field after field. We had no idea there was such an attraction to Lyons, NY, but apparently it's the hopping place to set up your RV for the summer. The campground is its own community. There are games at night, a small, fairly inadequate diner, a small creek with loads of Canada geese. A real crowd pleaser for the young at heart. 

John B. and Steve at NorWin Campground after another successful day of cycling.

We set up the tent, showered and began to wind down a bit after the 66-mile day. It was bliss!

Enjoying our NorWin Diner supper at the campsite.

These willows were immense!


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