Day 17 Chaffee, NY to Westfield, NY Tot: 765 miles

 Steve started out at about 6:30 and rode for almost an hour to the Cozy Corners diner in Springville.  I joined him for a nice breakfast stop.  We tried "salt-rising bread" which was good, homemade bread, but apparently tricky to make.

Steve had a straightforward ride west toward Lake Erie.   I decided to search out an unusual roadside attraction or two.

What I found was a more southerly route taking me through the heart of Amish country.  It was sparsely populated countryside and farmland like yesterday, but with more green pastures.  I saw more horse and buggies than I saw cars.  Everyone gave a friendly wave as I passed by.  Loved the names of some of the roads:  Snake Run Road and E Flat Road for example.  Passing through a town called Cattaraugus, I saw a beautiful old brick Methodist Church.  Sadly, it was for sale....     I also drove on a short road in town that was made of red brick. 
I loved seeing the Amish children playing. I was entranced by a young girl of about 6 or 7, holding a boy of about 3 years by the hand and lovingly leading him across the farmyard.  He was adorable, with his short pants and suspenders, long-sleeved shirt and a straw hat topping his bowl-cut blond hair.  The sweet little girl had on her loose, long-sleeved dress, apron and cap.  They made such a picture!

It did rain on both of us midday, but Steve found a place to duck into and it didn't last long.  We are in Lake Erie Wine Country with acres of grape vines.  Hopefully a winery is in my not-so-distant future.

Tracked northeast along Steve's route and found the town of Dunkirk. Stopped at Dunkirk Pier and visited the shops.  Thought he might like a stop there, so I texted him and watched my Find Steve app as he got closer.  Then I noticed that he had stopped moving. Shortly after, he texted to say he had stopped and ordered a sandwich before seeing my text, so I drove up the road a mile and joined him.  

Finally:  Yay for Sicilian Pizza!

Just sayin'.


  1. Wow! Loaded with flavor indeed.... Love following your progress. Wish I had a nice fresh map to look at and trace your route.
    Stay safe!

  2. Your progress is inspiring, both of you. Love your writing and descriptions Allane. Glad the rain has not posed much of a problem. Mary & I got back to South China, Maine today, so our adventure is over. Fortunate to meet up with several good old friends in Vermont.


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