Day 51 Bismarck, ND to Hebron, ND 71.4 miles Total 2,480.9 mi

Every day is different, but Steve does like to start with a good breakfast. Today he rode and I walked to Kroll's Cafe. There we had the pleasure of meeting Lucille, a lovely lady from Glen Ullin, a nearby town (50 miles away) who had come into Bismarck to do her shopping. She was very interested in Steve's trek and we enjoyed our conversation with her. The next time we met up was in New Salem. A small town with a cafe! Yay. Steve had already ridden 30 miles and it was only 10:15. But they were happy to serve lunch. The waitress found a huge piece of blueberry pie for Steve. She lives in Hebron, our destination today. Steve asked if there was anything to do in Hebron, and she said, "No, why do you think I work here?" She explained that there was the Pizza Pantry for supper from 5-7pm. Steve had been riding on Old Highway 10. The Red Trail was the original cross-country roadway and became US Hwy 10 ...