Day 66 Coram, MT to McGregor Lake, MT 62.4 miles Total 3,248.5 mi

 Today started out with temps in the mid-40's. I donned my rain gear to give me some more protection on what was going to be a pleasant, generally downhill ride into Kalispell. The one element of riding in the Glacier area in the summer is being constantly aware of and respectful of the tourists in RV's, campers, and every sort of vacation vehicle. The roads are two-lane, the slope is constantly changing from climbing to gliding and the speed limit is between 65-70 mph. Makes for an interesting ride.

Allane stayed and had coffee on the porch of the cabin.  The prairie dogs entertained her.

We met in Kalispell and discussed a lunch spot.  Decided on Kila, a town partway to McGregor Lake.  We connected at a pullout near a sign that said Kila and had our sandwiches. 

I went on ahead and Steve geared up for a serious climb.  No wind to speak of to help or hinder, and the temperature had climbed to the low 90's.  

McGregor Lake is a very large, beautiful lake.  Steve rode almost to the end of it.  We loaded the bike and headed back toward Kalispell.  We had intended to stop and visit friends of John and Mary Benziger, but our GPS took us into Kalispell instead of to Lakeside where they live.  Steve was not ready for an additional 30 mile round trip, so we went and found our hotel.

Dinner was at The Montana Club, a very busy place.  During our wait we saw a woman with a Maine tee shirt.  The couple was not from Maine, but he has hunted bear there.  We had a lively conversation.


  1. Sorry you missed meeting Jim & Linda, but I totally understand that you have been putting in now countless grueling days. I'm glad you are out of the 'flats' and enjoying such beautiful country.


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