Day 75 Chelan, WA to Leavenworth. WA 56.5 miles Total 3,705.1 mi

 Chelan Lake was calm and quiet as Steve headed up and out of town.  

He disturbed a few antelope on the slopes.

No paragliders this early, but this is the type of mountain they jump off.

We met in Cashmere at Weed's Cafe.  The wind has troubled today, and this first stop was after 40 miles, so Steve was tired and hungry.  Only 12 more miles to Leavenworth, though.  Too early for the hotel check-in, but the registration desk ladies were very sweet and had Steve bring in his bike and relax in the cool lobby with ice water to drink.

I wandered around the town, which was very like a Bavarian village. And very full of tourists.

Had a delicious tasting at the Hard Row to Hoe winery.

Rested and hungry, Steve and I dined at Andreas Keller Restaurant and had a very authentic schnitzel.

The Whistlepunk Ice Cream Company provided a very nice dessert. This one was  the "two-scoop!"

I expect that this is where we are headed tomorrow....


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